E1Click Find or Press Return to perform the search.
To search for more than one word or phrase at a time, enter the first keyword and press Command-N, then enter a second string to search for. Do not press Return until you have entered all the strings to find on separate screens.
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1992-93 Faludi Computing.
1992 Faludi Computing.
InfoBase is a place to store the bits and pieces of information from daily life: names of infrequently used contacts, prices and sources of supplies, purchase or gift ideas, and all the other sticky notes covering your computer and desk.
InfoBase is shareware. Register your copy by sending your name and address along with $5 to the address below. You will receive update mailings and a registration number good for all future shareware versions B
of InfoBase. SPECIAL OFFER: We will waive the $5 fee if you send us a description of what you like and dislike about InfoBase and what improvements you would like to see made. OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 1993C
AbFaludi Computing
312 Parnassus Ave., #2, San Francisco, CA 94117
Internet: Robert_Faludi@BMUG.org
Use InfoBase by entering information onto the yellow pad. Click Find to find all records you have entered that contain a specific word or phrase. Click Print to print a list of the current records, or Print ABlll to print all records. (Menu commands, such as File/Quit, are still available if you wish to use them).